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Home / Themes



Education Works in pre-school

Focuses on increasing parents understanding of the pre-school curriculum and the importance of play. Through this theme, setting will provide guidance to parents to support their child's learning at home.


Happy Healthy Kids

AlFocuses on raising parents' awareness of the importance of physical activity. Through this theme, settings will provide guidance to help parents increase the amount of time children spend on physical exercise and encourage reduced screen time at home.


Ages and Stages

Focuses on raising parents' awareness of developmental milestones for 3-4 year olds, helping them to recognize their child's achievements and next steps in learning. Through this theme, settings will provide guidance for parents to help them support the development of specific skills at home.


Big Bedtime Read

Focuses on supporting parents to read regularly to their children at bedtime and on encouraging good bedtime routines. It also aims to increase parents' awareness of reading opportunities throughout a young child's day.

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