Parent-Infant Suite of Support
Parent-Infant Suite of Support
Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2021

Are you a parent of an infant 0-6 months living in the Southern Trust Area?
We would love you to join us for our Parent-Infant Suite of Support this autumn
What’s on offer?
Infant Massage x 4 weeks
Sensory play x 4 weeks
Sleep Support x 3 weeks
Incredible Babies Parenting Programme x 8 weeks
When does it start?
Week beginning Monday November 1st 2021
For further information and to enquire about a place in your locality
Newry & Mourne (Programme on Tuesdays) - T: Homestart on 028 3026 6139
Banbridge (Programme on Mondays) - T: Homestart on 028 4062 6234 E:
Armagh & Dungannon (Programme on Wednesdays) - T: Homestart on 0288778 9489
Craigavon, Portadown, Lurgan (Programme on Mondays) - T: Jessica @Parenting Partnership on 07834929147
Closing date for completed applications Friday 15th October 2021
PLEASE NOTE: Preference will be given to families outside of the Sure Start area
Transport may be available to attend the programme
Good Beginnings Southern Area Infant Mental Health Strategy Vision 2020-2025 That all children have the best start in life by prioritising and supporting the development of positive, social and emotional wellbeing