EA Seeking Public's Feedback on Special Educational Needs Information
EA Seeking Public's Feedback on Special Educational Needs Information
Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2021

The Education Authority (EA) is seeking your views on the information provided on Special Educational Needs (SEN) services to ensure all communications are current, clear, transparent and easily accessible.
As part of this process the EA has launched an online questionnaire to provide the public and interested stakeholders with an opportunity to have their say on how they would prefer to access information on SEN services.
The feedback will help us review the information we provide to parents/carers, teachers, children and young people, and other interested stakeholders on its SEN services in the future. This will then ultimately shape the development and publication of the EA Plan of its arrangements for Special Educational Provision in Northern Ireland next year.
Those wishing to provide feedback should complete the Survey before Wednesday 10th November.
In addition, a further virtual discovery workshop for parents/carers is being held on Wednesday 3rd November at 7.30pm which is another opportunity to provide views on how we can enhance the information we provide on SEN services.
Places in this discovery workshop will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.